Category Archives: Ġenerali

Topiks ta’ natura ġenerali


SOCIAL STUDIESGeography section (UNIT 6.1.)

‘Madwar il-Baħar Mediterran’.

Please note that from this UNIT Worksheet Ġ6.1.2: ‘Ġirien Tagħna’ is being withdrawn as there have been geographical changes which are not reflected in this handout.

Thank You

Studji Soċjali – Assessjar Kontinwu – 6 Sena Primarja

Studji Soċjali – Assessjar Kontinwu – Sitt Sena Primarja 


Rakkomandazzjonijiet għall-Assessjar Kontinwu għas-Sitt sena Primarja. Inkluż il-blokk 6.4 dwar il-Belt Valletta.

Ġabra ta’ eżerċizzji meħudin mill-handouts eżistenti tal-Istudji Soċjali li jistgħu jintużaw bħala tasks għall-assessjar kontinwu u formattiv matul is-sena flimkien mal-fieldworks u/jew il-proġetti.

Dawn huma biss sensiela ta’ suġġerimenti u flokhom, jew magħhom, jistgħu faċilment jintużaw eżerċizzji jew tasks oħrajn.

Continuous Assessment Suggestions

Continuous Assessment Suggestions          

Dear Teachers,

This is a temporary guideline for Year 4, 5 and 6 teachers, and applies for the coming scholastic year. It is made up of already existing exercises from the worksheets which can be used for assessment purposes if teachers wish to use them.

There might be some changes once the final Learning Outcomes are established/introduced in a gradual manner. In this way, however, you will not need to create any new tasks for the moment and you can make use of what is already available.

Please note that this list is not in any way compulsory and teachers may decide to assess through other strategies or exercises. One of the aims of this reform, after all, is to move away from a ‘one size fits all approach.

Thanks & enjoy the rest of the holidays….


PS: An assessment suggestion for Year 6 Block 6.4 will be added soon.

Year 3 Learning Outcomes / Syllabus


Primary Social Studies –

Scholastic Year 2018-2019


Dear Year 3 Teachers,

Kindly note that the latest Learning Outcomes and the updated syllabus for Year 3 can be accessed through;

The current syllabus will remain unchanged for Years 4, 5 and 6 with regards to the coming scholastic year (2018-2019)

Thank You


Fieldworks fil-Ġgantija u Ħaġar Qim (is-6 Sena)

Bħalissa għaddej eżerċizzju ta’ aġġornament tal-fieldwork notes tat-Tempji tal-Ġgantija u ta’ Ħaġar Qim u l-Imnajdra.

L-eżerċizzju qiegħed isir flimkien ma’ Heritage Malta u jibbaża ruħu fuq il-feedback illi ħadna s’issa mingħand l-għalliema u mingħand l-uffiċjali ta’ Heritage Malta.

Il-fieldwork notes aġġornati jittellgħu fuq il-websajt iktar ‘il quddiem.

Anton Farrugia
Ġunju 2015

SS reorganization – the teachers’ feedback

feedback-2Read about the findings of  a survey held among teachers in February 2015. One hundred and fifty seven (157)  teachers answered the questionnaire.

View the results of the questionnaire <><><><>

Read also the comments added by teachers about the Social Studies reorganization of September 2014: read the comments here <><><><>