Section A
1 The Social Studies (SS) syllabus, as reorganised, is helping my students to attain the desired skills more efficiently.
2 Previously, the SS syllabus was very loaded, now it’s not.
3 The document ‘suġġerimenti għall-akkwist tal-ħiliet’ is helping me prepare my SS lessons much better.
4 My students are enjoying the ‘research’ approach which I am using during SS lessons.
5 The syllabus content is suitable for the majority of my students.
6 The worksheets are a great help when I come to the consolidation of lessons.
7 I found it more convenient to print all the worksheets in one booklet.
8 Due to time constraints I am only finding time for the worksheets.
9 I am encountering serious difficulties when delivering SS lessons due to language barrier/s.
10 The SS syllabus, as reorganised, is boosting Social Studies teaching.

Section B

  What was your choice for the second semester?

Section C

1 I didn’t find any difficulty to mark the fieldwork exercise.
2 Since the fieldwork exercise has been allocated 20% of the global H-Yearly mark, teachers and students are giving more importance to educational outings.
3 The fieldwork directives/notes distributed by the EAU were a great help to one and all.
4 The SS project carries immense educational benefits for the students .
5 The video clips on You-Tube contributed to the success of the fieldwork.
6 I am in favour of having a choice between the fieldwork and the project during the 2nd semester.